The Defiant 50: Project Announcement

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JWA2277's avatar

Friends, Watchers, Fellow Americans…… Listen up!

For the last 16 years I have been bothered and bullied by all the pendants and preaching, sages and speakers, telling me how bad America, the United States of America, is. How its: Corrupt, racialist, cruel, hateful, and downright a lousy place to live.

I, for one, speaking for myself…. Do not agree!

In essence I feel; a Cold Civil War has been raging. Pitting Americans against Americans, Race against Race, Religion against Religion, Secular against Believer, Reformers against Establishment, Conservatives against Liberals, What “Is” against what we “Will Become”.  

All the while…

 Focusing on what divides us and getting in our own way. Instead of calling on what unites us.

HERE AND NOW!: I call upon the best in all of us, to compromise to a higher level, not the lowest common denominator. To quit “hating” at each other, and take a good look at yourself and where you are and what you believe and stand for.

I am calling for the best of every state of the 50 state union of the United States of America…..And, In an effort to unite us, I will point out the only real thing that dose divide us: We are all different, and it’s OK!

The United States, is not one country, but in point of fact: is 50 Sovereign Nation States, under a federalist system, governing inner Nation State commerce and travel. We are a collective! Every Nation State in the 50 Nation Sate union of The United States of America has its own flag, motto, slogan, state animal, and its own State Constitution, making its own Sovereign Nation State Laws, governing its own citizens, making each one, a Sovereign Country all to itself. 

We need to take pride in our country again, see what makes us different, as a blessing, not a reason to bludgeon and bully each other. Looking for the best in our own part of the world, “What makes your State, So Great?” 

I will be writing a pome for every state in the United States of America, 50 separate pomes, and I need your help.

What makes your Sovereign Nation State, so Great?

Why are you in the USA?

Each pome will begin with the state motto and include: points of interest, Industry, culture, what others have said in disparagement, why it’s wrong, or makes Your Nation State; Great. Anything at all you can tell me about where you live in America, and I will weave it into a poem, in support of the nobility of where you are.

Why, where you are, deserves to be one of ....

The Defiant Fifty

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VKA3's avatar
Fantastic. You are amazing.